Frederick Abila @fred
6 mo
#CharlesAR was an ambitious project, but sadly the resources available for #AR technology couldn’t keep up. The project was so promising, but lacked the tools and materials to make it a success. Despite the hard work and dedication of the team, the project was ultimately doomed to fail. #AugmentedReality #TechFailures #ARProjects #Innovation

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texasflange @texasflange
7 mo

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casadeamor @casadeamor
8 mo

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MyDarkShop Toys @mydarkshop
8 mo

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MyDarkShop Toys @mydarkshop
8 mo

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casadeamor @casadeamor
9 mo

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casadeamor @casadeamor
9 mo

Remember, contributions to this topic should follow our Community Guidelines.

casadeamor @casadeamor
9 mo

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casadeamor @casadeamor
9 mo

Remember, contributions to this topic should follow our Community Guidelines.

casadeamor @casadeamor
9 mo

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casadeamor @casadeamor
9 mo

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herbal009 @herbal009
10 mo

Buzz TV

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herbal009 @herbal009
10 mo

Buzz TV

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herbal009 @herbal009
11 mo

Buzz TV

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hlhproto @hlhproto
1 y

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