DoctorHashmi @DoctorHashmi
9 mo

Buzz TV

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K1ng DotCom @K1ng
2 y
Ei! So Aaron‘s baby mama scammed Asantewaa 300,000 cedis. Argentina 1: Saudi Arabia 2. - YouTube

#Asantewaa had plans of completing her building and moving in latest by next month. So Eyram told her that her cousins husband is a contractor and since Asan...

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K1ng DotCom @K1ng
2 y
Ei! So Aaron‘s baby mama skammed Asantewaa 300,000 cedis. Argentina 1: Saudi Arabia 2. - YouTube

#Asantewaa had plans of completing her building and moving in latest by next month. So Eyram told her that her cousins husband is a contractor and since Asan...

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